Defending the Faith: YouTube Commentary (Part 2)

Responding to a gentleman who said: “It’s not about interpretations, because man is fallible; it’s about the Word of God. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth.”

As if fallible humans can’t get the “Holy Spirit” wrong? As if the “Holy Spirit” doesn’t pass through our own egos and often tell us what we love to hear? There are so many divisions among those who trust in the Bible alone, and who say they heard from the Holy Spirit. Please explain such subjectivity from an objective Bible.

In all fairness, what are the essentials? The solas that sprouted from the Reformation? If so, why? Back to my original post, what is the true meaning of John 6:53-54? Is such a statement essential to our faith? How about baptism? Terms of salvation?

There is one Church, appointed by Christ, to declare dogmas and doctrines of the faith. Over time, people had issues with authority (and used clerical sins and unrepentant laypeople as scapegoats), thus going rogue and diving further and further into heresy and self-given authority and self-government. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of statements of faith are listed online, many of which can’t even agree on whether or not salvation can be lost, let alone disagreements about hundreds of other teachings.

The church of the living God is the pillar and foundation of the truth. 1 Tim 3:15.

God bless, man.

Responding to a gentleman who was questioning the Chair of Peter…

I understand the Seat of Peter is an issue for many.

But how about the Seat of Knox? Seat of White? Seat of Luther? Seat of Calvin? Seat of Smith? Seat of Wesley? Seat of MacArthur? Seat of Johnson? Seat of Osteen? Seat of Zwingli? Seat of Grebel?

They all use the Bible, don’t they? They all use some form of tradition of interpretation, don’t they? They all claim to know the truth. Whether they say it is infallible or not, are they not proclaiming it as absolute truth to others? Are they not leading others?

Trace their interpretations upstream. When did such thoughts originate? Did we simply need an English translation of Scripture to finally know what the apostles were REALLY teaching? Did they need reformers to show the “true” (yet subjective) meaning of various verses?

What is the true meaning of John 6:53-56? When was such a meaning practiced? Did people with “power” decide it was only symbolic?

You can deny power until you’re blue in the face, but the question persists: why are you right? And if not you, who? Why? And where did such interpretation of truth come from? Who governs the Protestant church? The Holy Spirit, right? Why are you not united under one statement of faith? Why can’t there by agreement on salvation, baptism, the Trinity? And when does any given micro-group of believers cease to be Christian? Who makes such a call? The Bible, right? But whose version and whose interpretation?

All post-1517 denominations are founded by mere mortals, not Jesus Christ of Nazareth. They all claim the same thing. They all know the “true” meaning of Scripture.

They can all certainly show “heretical” Catholic teaching, but can never acknowledge the futility of pride and continued rebellion against authority. Neither can they show why anyone should take their Greek exegesis more seriously than the last guy.

You can make Scripture say whatever you want. If you have trouble finding what you want with one verse, try two verses. If not, try four verses, then ten verses. The permutations of verses and corresponding shouts of “this is clear!” are endless.

Who makes the defining call? Just because you reject the pope and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church doesn’t mean you aren’t acting as the very office you abhor. Which simply means you don’t ultimately reject earthly authority, you just reject the type of earthly authority you’ve been taught to despise.

Lastly, if the Catholic Church is horribly wrong, as mentioned in Jim’s previous videos, why also is Eastern Orthodoxy wrong? Why are 70% of historic sacraments dismissed by modern churches. Why did it take 1,500 years to get on the right track?

Responding to a gentleman who insisted that asking saints for intercession was akin to necromancy and a slap in Jesus’ face because we’re not praying directly to Him…

That is a misnomer.

With your reasoning, don’t ever ask another soul on earth to pray for you. What’s the point of it?

Of course you can talk to God yourself. Intercession is not necromancy. No matter how many times such error is said or written, intercession is not necromancy. Long before Holy Scripture was recognized, received, and declared, writings of Hermas, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Cyprian of Carthage, and Cyril of Jerusalem mention such intercession from saints and angels. All part of the Body of Christ.

Additionally, since it comes down to a matter of dead vs. alive: 2 Cor 5:8 Mk 9:4 Mk 12:26-27 Lk 9:31 Heb 12:1 Revelation 5:8 Etc.

Granted, this will mean nothing unless we agree on the source of such interpretation and understanding.

I just wanted to show you that divination and sorcery have nothing to do with asking a Saint in heaven to intercede on our behalf. We’re not asking for downloads about the future, and we’re not performing any witchcraft or black magic.


Defending the Faith: YouTube Commentary (Part 3)


Defending the Faith: YouTube Commentary (Part 1)